When Porn Stars Become Escorts
Do you have a favorite porn actress that you’d love to spend time with? Well, you may be in luck…
It’s an industry that’s struggled in recent years, so it’s no surprise that porn stars are turning towards escorting as a way of earning money in between films. Not only does this arrangement work out well for the actresses, but it’s a great way for their clients too. They get to meet some of their favorite adult film stars, and get a far more up close with them than they would from behind a computer screen! With some stellar movies being produced recently, there’s never been a better time to book a very special kind of date.
It’s no longer an industry taboo
It wasn’t always this way. Right up until the early noughties, porn stars who worked as escorts were looked down on – the feeling was that if you had to earn extra money on the side, you weren’t quite hitting the heights in front of the camera. Now though, it couldn’t be more different.
Stormi Mountain, the spokesperson of adult entertainment directory Eros.com, has an idea why. She thinks that nowadays, the adult industry has become much more at one with the fans. Social media and webcam work allow stars to talk to and develop relationships with their viewers. “Before, you just had to look good on film. Today’s bigger stars are more comfortable with that type of interaction, and that sometimes means they’re more willing to go on paid dates.”
Money is an issue
Also gone are the days where the industry could afford to spend huge amounts of money. For instance, Jenna Jameson famously earned £60,000 a day at the height of her fame. Now though, with the rise of piracy and free amateur porn, the cash doesn’t flow as easily. While the industry has recovered a little this year, times have changed – and porn with it. Porn stars love their job and don’t want to give it up, but they need to earn good money too.
For fans, it couldn’t get any better
So with these actresses now earning money working as escorts, what does this mean for the men who pay handsome sums of money to spend time with them? It means that the barrier between viewer and star is becoming non-existent. Social media and cam shows are a part of this, but actresses working as escorts have really revolutionised an ailing industry.
You could be watching a girl deep throating a guy on your laptop, and three hours later, have her knocking on the front door of your apartment. Your own specific desires also play a part too. If you have a particular kink or fetish, say, then you could find out if the woman who stars in all of your favourite videos offers private dates. Want to worship her feet? Want to be dominated and whipped? Fine, no problem. Shall we say six o’ clock? Many ex-actresses work as VIP escorts and provide their services exclusively through a single agency.
It’s boosting the industry
It seems like it’s too good to be true, but it really isn’t! It’s good for the guy who gets to spend time with a beautiful woman, and it’s good for her because she gets to strengthen and even expand her fan base. He tells his friends about this incredible escort he spent time with the other evening. They’re curious, type her name into Google and voila! She gains another regular viewer, and quite like, a new costumer too.
A win-win situation
There are plenty of naysayers in the porn industry. They say that the lure of escorting distracts actresses from their work. Many though, agree that the industry needs to change, and that escorting is the next step along the path. People want to interact with their favorite stars – just looking from afar isn’t enough for some. If they can do so in a safe, fun way, why not?
Escorting benefits the adult film sector in another way too – it draws in new fans and strengthens relationships with old ones. It’s an arrangement that suits everyone, which is just what the porn industry needs.